We would like to introduce our employees to you.

In this short interview, it's Joost van Doorn's turn.

Who are you? Where do you live?
My name is Joost van Doorn. I am married and live with my wife and two sons Teun and Joep in Wateringen. These boys are the driving force behind my decision to work three days a week at SDF Horti Software. The other two days are completely dedicated to my family. I also play indoor football during the week and immerse myself in my passion for wine, where every bottle tells a story and every grape promises a new adventure.

How did you end up at SDF?
My entrance to SDF? That was through a common connection that put me in touch with Pieter Zwinkels of SDF.

What position do you hold at SDF? What are you responsible for? How has your career progressed at SDF in recent years?
Within SDF, I have enjoyed working as an account manager for two years. Under the umbrella of KUBO, you notice an enormous professionalisation. How has my career progressed? My career is mainly characterised by my role as account manager.

What do you want to achieve within SDF/what is your goal?
I aim for close cooperation with our customers, where we work together with the customer to provide the right software solutions to take the customer to the next level.

What appealed to you about coming to work for SDF?
It's a very close-knit team working determinedly to grow SDF. The connection between SDF and the customer is very important to me. Being able to really translate what the customer wants towards the consultant so that the consultant can implement it is something I find really cool.

What gives you energy?
The most energy I get from my work is coming to a good solution together with the customer. Taking SDF to the next level with the whole team. That is the most important thing.

What is your favourite (work) quote?
Everything you give attention to, grows.